Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day at Snowbasin was Heaven!!

Any powder skier lucky enough to ski at Snowbasin on Christmas Day enjoyed ideal conditions! These pictures taken by Barb and myself tell the story. Please tell us yours!


Barbara said...

The skiers in Ogden Valley must have been very, very good because they awoke on Christmas morning to a blue bird sky, full moon, and over 12 inches of Utah's famous snow.

I found my present at Snowbasin! I can't say exactly where I my present was (Santa wouldn't like that) but I can say that I skied over 1500 vertical feet of nearly trackless snow by noon. It was a day you wait all season for and having come on Christmas was very rare indeed.

It was a joy to spend the day with my skier friends and family. As you can see by the photos we were all smiles and "yahoos".

MrSchnow said...

Bike out the door in the summer - almost ski out the door in the winter - powder and sunshine on X-Mas morning - can't think of anything more to add!

rich said...

barbara meant to say 15,000 vertical of powder before noon...I was there...wanted more, but as my friend Erny says " my mind was writing checks, my body couldn't cash"

Barbara said...

I stand corrected! See our happy gang:

Anna and Jay said...

I can't wait to come ski in February. Keep up the snow dance...I have to get in my skiing quota before I am stranded on an island for three years!